Tips on Productivity

Take a Nap at Work   Research shows that the more hours you work continuously, the greater the toll on your performance. You can greatly improve your productivity by taking a short nap. Think taking a nap at work is crazy? Here are three ways to make it happen: •Schedule a time. Between 1pm and 3pm is the best time. Mark it in your calendar so you are more likely to take it. …•Find a quiet place. Close your door and put up a “do not disturb” sign. If you work in a cubicle, look for a conference room, or a local coffee shop or library. •Tune out. Turn off your technology and set an alarm for 20 or 30 minutes (longer naps can leave you hazy). Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Even if you don’t fall asleep, this relaxation will ensure you rest.
Adapted from Guide to Managing Stress. Get Things Done by Deciding When and Where Managing your workload with a to-do list can be a productive way to organize your work and keep yourself on task. But don’t let your list become a collection of everything you want to do but will never have time for. Make sure each item on your list has a time and place attached. Don’t add “write management presentation” without including the day and time slot in which you’ll do it. Consider foregoing the list and scheduling items on your calendar instead. You may still want a place to write down things you hope to get to, but be sure that each day you know what you need to accomplish and when. Adapted from “A Better Way to Manage Your To-Do List” by Peter Bregman. Know When Multitasking Works Numerous studies show that multitasking doesn’t help you get more done. In fact, it impedes productivity. But in today’s fast-paced world, it may seem impossible to only focus on one thing at a time. Here are two times when multitasking might be more effective: When information needs to flow fast. If others are waiting on you before they respond to a customer or move a critical project forward, it can be frustrating if you’re not available. Picking up the phone or responding to email — even while you’re working on something else — can be important, especially if you have information others don’t. When you’re stuck. Sometimes it can be useful to focus on a difficult task. But when you reach a roadblock, it can be equally valuable to walk away and do something else while your mind ponders the issue. When you return to the task with fresh focus, you’re more likely to be able to push through. Adapted from “In Defense of Multitasking” by David Silverman. Turn Stress into an Asset   Stress is unavoidable, but it doesn’t have to be damaging. When managed correctly, strain can positively impact productivity and performance. Here are three things you can do to make stress work for you: •Recognize worry for what it is. Stress is a feeling, not a sign of dysfunction. When you start to worry, realize it’s an indication that you care about something, not a cause for panic. •Focus on what you can control. Too many people feel bad about things they simply can’t change. Remember what you can affect and what you can’t. •Create a supportive network. Knowing you have somebody to turn to can help a lot. Build relationships so that you have people to rely on in times of stress.
Adapted from “Turning Stress into an Asset” by Amy Gallo. Three Steps to Make Your New Hire Productive The traditional approach to “onboarding” — sitting your new hire down with a stack of reading or a series of trainings — doesn’t do much to explain how the organization truly functions. Take these three steps to help your new hire understand how work gets done and what he can do to add immediate value: •Start early. Onboarding starts with hiring. During interviews, expose all candidates to the organization’s culture. Don’t oversell your company; be honest about who you are and how you work. •Introduce him to the right people. Identify key stakeholders that your new hire needs to know. Broker early introductions so that he can begin building relationships right away. •Get him working. This shouldn’t be a sink or swim approach. Put him on projects where he is supported by others and can start contributing right away. Adapted from “Get Immediate Value from Your New Hire” by Amy Gallo

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